Hello, my dear ladies, Banggood one of my favorite online sites is turning 10, so they invite all their customers to Banggood 10 Anniversary
You can find many products at sale with special cut down prices. When does it start? From 8th September to 10 September, 48 hours of crazy sales, crazy lottery, snap up and all campaigns.

I will buy for sure many items, I want to present you some of them, below:

Anniversary Rules & Tips
1) The Anniversary 48 Hour Sale begins 10:00am Sept 8th and ends 10:00am Sept 10th (Beijing time,UTC+8).
2)Crazy sale prices of „48 Hour Sale” products are only valid during the Anniversary 48 Hour Sale.
3)The „48 Hour Sale” is 2 day only. The Sale will cover all categories and all hot products.
4)Before you join, you must read, agree, and accept all the rules of SNAP UP, Crazy Lottery and All Campaigns. We won’t handle and give support for problem(s) beyond rules.
5)If you want more information about the Anniversary, you can receive the latest events via our newsletter, or visit www.banggood.com
6)Banggood Ltd. Reserve All Rights.
Poseta este draguta si atrage, ceasul este nostim iar bluzita mi se pare chic 🙂
Ceasul-pisicuță e super! ☺
poseta mi se pare asa frumoasa, nu am vazut la noi asa ceva pana la urma pretul nu e chiar asa mare